29. März 2025


Active against trash (geschrieben von Jeannine, Klasse 8)

This year in April, the residents of Herrenberg collected trash in the town and the districts. The people in the district Gültstein want more cleanliness and a prettier look for the location. One reason is the 1250th anniversary of Gültstein this year. The residents planted flowers at the entrances and the „anniversary tree“ next to the elementary school. They installed new plant beds and current plant beds were repaired, new trashcans were gotten. In contrast to these efforts many full bags with trash were found on public places in Gültstein. This problem is not just there, it‘s also in the other districts and the actual town, not as bad as in Gültstein but it‘s there. The reason for the problem: careleess people who throw plastic bottles and packagings on the floor, and it gets more trash, but there are people who are against this. The group „Active against trash“ wants to change something. They met for the first time last autumn and they were agreed that you can‘t accept that the hometown gets so dirty. They want to keep the nature and animals healthy and that‘s not possible with trash everywhere. It‘s a good thing to get active against pollution because nobody feels well in a dirty environment and it‘s bad for a healthy nature. And you can do something too: You can join the group and get active or tell the careless people about the problem with trash in the nature and the town.

Reisebericht (geschrieben von Elena, Klasse 8): California – Perfect life for everyone?

The out4fame Festival (geschrieben von Noelle, Klasse 8)

A festival is a live concert of one music genre. The out4fame festival is a festival of old school hip-hop. Out4fame is a very big festival in Germany. It is each year between June and July and it´s at the airfield of Hünxe, a little village in North Rheine-Westphalia. Hünxe is though a village but there are big festivals. The area is 16 000 square meters in size and 12 000 people could visit it. This year there are more than 20 famous hip-hop singers. In 2019 the festival goes from the 28. June to the 01. July. Singers like Juju or Farid Bang are from Germany and others like KRS One came from the USA. The ticket prices are different. One day costs 56€ but all three days cost only 107€. The visitors can sleep on the area with their own tenses or can rent something. If you want to rent a tente there, it costs 116€ and if you want to sleep in a caravan cost 10€ more. Here is one fun fact: one Dixie-toilette are for 29. 1 666 666 667 peoples. ???? The out4fame festival is one of the most attractive festivals in Germany for all hip-hop fans and there are many famous singers.

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